Contact Us
01664 565859
Online Form
General Information
All families are allocated a key person on arrival at the nursery. They will help support you and your child into the nursery environment and answer any questions you may have. The key person will be your main point of contact for any matters concerning your child’s well-being, development, health and behaviour. They will make observations of your child’s learning and development, sharing their progress with you and planning how to support your child in reaching their full potential. Observations are recorded on ‘Tapestry’ and information is shared on a regular basis.
We provide information via Tapestry to inform parents of the activities the children have experienced throughout the day and information on how to extend their learning at home. We provide high quality care for the children and have good staff ratios.
We also provide regular updates via Tapestry and on our ‘Facebook’ page.

Outdoor Learning
We have outdoor learning environments for the children to explore and develop using their imagination. We make full use of this area and go outdoors in all weathers encouraging the children to become creative, confident and independent learners. We ask that children bring with them a coat and wellington boots for the wet weather and sun protection and a hat for the warmer weather.

Please do not send your child to nursery if they are unwell. If your child has had sickness and diarrhoea they must be 48 hours clear before returning to nursery. All absenses are recorded and should be reported to the nursery as soon as possible. If your child becomes unwell during the day we will contact the numbers you have provided on the registration form.

Dress Code
Please ensure any removable clothing, shoes and lunch boxes are clearly named. Old clothes are more suitable for the nursery environment and a uniform is available to purchase.
T-shirt £8.00
Sweat shirt £9.00
Drawstring bag £3.00